Publications 2020
Brown EA, Blake PG, Boudville N, Davies S, de Arteaga J, Dong J, et al. International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis practice recommendations: Prescribing high-quality goal-directed peritoneal dialysis. Perit Dial Int. 2020;40(3):244-53.
Brown EA, Boudville N, Finkelstein F, Johnson D, Liew A, Moraes T, et al. Reply to letter from A Karkar. Perit Dial Int. 2020:896860820920144.
Carter SA, Gutman T, Logeman C, Cattran D, Lightstone L, Bagga A, et al. Identifying Outcomes Important to Patients with Glomerular Disease and Their Caregivers. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020;15(5):673-84.
Chan S, Hawley CM, Campbell KL, Morrison M, Campbell SB, Isbel NM, et al. Transplant associated infections-The role of the gastrointestinal microbiota and potential therapeutic options. Nephrology (Carlton, Vic). 2020;25(1):5-13.
Chen JH, Johnson DW, Wong G, Boudville N, Borlace M, Walker R, et al. Associations between diabetes and sex with peritoneal dialysis technique and patient survival: Results from the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry cohort study. Perit Dial Int. 2020:896860820918708.
Cho Y, Davies SJ, Johnson DW. Raising the standard of trial registration, conduct, and reporting. Perit Dial Int. 2020;40(2):112-4.
Cho Y, Rangan G, Logeman C, Ryu H, Sautenet B, Perrone RD, et al. Core Outcome Domains for Trials in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: An International Delphi Survey. American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. 2020.
Chow JS, Adams K, Cho Y, Choi P, Equinox KL, Figueiredo AE, et al. Targeted Education ApproaCH to improve Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes (TEACH-PD): A feasibility study. Perit Dial Int. 2020;40(2):153-63.
Collins MG, Fahim MA, Pascoe EM, Dansie KB, Hawley CM, Clayton PA, et al. Study Protocol for Better Evidence for Selecting Transplant Fluids (BEST-Fluids): a pragmatic, registry-based, multi-center, double-blind, randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of intravenous fluid therapy with Plasma-Lyte 148 versus 0.9% saline on delayed graft function in deceased donor kidney transplantation. Trials. 2020;21(1):428.
Cooper TE, Khalid R, Craig JC, Hawley CM, Howell M, Johnson DW, et al. Synbiotics, prebiotics and probiotics for people with chronic kidney disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020(5).
Dansie K, Viecelli AK, Pascoe EM, Johnson DW, McDonald S, Clayton P, et al. Novel trial strategies to enhance the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and impact of nephrology research. Kidney international. 2020.
Duncanson E, Dansie K, Gutman T, Tong A, Howell M, Jesudason S, et al. ‘Knowledge is power’: A framework for partnering with consumers in developing and delivering a scientific meeting in nephrology. Nephrology. 2020;25(5):379-83.
Ellis RJ, Del Vecchio SJ, Gallagher KMJ, Aliano DN, Barber N, Bolton DM, et al. A Simple Clinical Tool for Stratifying Risk of Clinically Significant CKD after Nephrectomy: Development and Multinational Validation. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020;31(5):1107-17.
Ethier I, Cho Y, Hawley C, Pascoe EM, Roberts MA, Semple D, et al. Effect of patient- and center-level characteristics on uptake of home dialysis in Australia and New Zealand: a multicenter registry analysis. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association – European Renal Association. 2020.
Francis A, Johnson DW, Melk A, Foster BJ, Blazek K, Craig JC, et al. Survival after Kidney Transplantation during Childhood and Adolescence. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020;15(3):392-400.
Gutman T, Manera KE, Baumgart A, Johnson DW, Wilkie M, Boudville N, et al. “Can I go to Glasgow?” Learnings from patient involvement at the 17th Congress of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD). Perit Dial Int. 2020;40(1):12-25.
Htay H, Cho Y, Pascoe EM, Hawley C, Clayton PA, Borlace M, et al. Multicentre registry data analysis comparing outcomes of culture-negative peritonitis and different subtypes of culture-positive peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients. Perit Dial Int. 2020;40(1):47-56.
Kelly JT, Conley M, Hoffmann T, Craig JC, Tong A, Reidlinger DP, et al. A Coaching Program to Improve Dietary Intake of Patients with CKD: ENTICE-CKD. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020;15(3):330-40.
Lalji R, Francis A, Johnson DW, McCulloch M. Health disparities in access to kidney replacement therapy amongst children and adolescents with end-stage kidney disease in low- and lower-middle-income countries. Kidney international. 2020;97(3):463-5.
Lioufas NM, Pedagogos E, Hawley CM, Pascoe EM, Elder GJ, Badve SV, et al. Aortic Calcification and Arterial Stiffness Burden in a Chronic Kidney Disease Cohort with High Cardiovascular Risk: Baseline Characteristics of the Impact of Phosphate Reduction On Vascular End-Points in Chronic Kidney Disease Trial. Am J Nephrol. 2020;51(3):201-15.
Mac K, Hedley J, Kelly PJ, Lee VW, Agar JWM, Hawley CM, et al. Effect of centre- and patient-related factors on uptake of haemodiafiltration in Australia and New Zealand: A cohort study using ANZDATA. Nephrology (Carlton, Vic). 2020;25(1):63-72.
Natale P, Gutman T, Howell M, Dansie K, Hawley CM, Cho Y, et al. Recruitment and retention in clinical trials in chronic kidney disease: report from national workshops with patients, caregivers and health professionals. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association – European Renal Association. 2020;35(5):755-64.
O’Lone E, Viecelli AK, Craig JC, Tong A, Sautenet B, Herrington WG, et al. Establishing Core Cardiovascular Outcome Measures for Trials in Hemodialysis: Report of an International Consensus Workshop. American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. 2020.
Palmer SC, Mavridis D, Johnson DW, Tonelli M, Ruospo M, Strippoli GFM. Comparative Effectiveness of Calcimimetic Agents for Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Adults: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2020.
Pecoits-Filho R, Okpechi IG, Donner JA, Harris DCH, Aljubori HM, Bello AK, et al. Capturing and monitoring global differences in untreated and treated end-stage kidney disease, kidney replacement therapy modality, and outcomes. Kidney international supplements. 2020;10(1):e3-e9.
Perl J, Fuller DS, Bieber BA, Boudville N, Kanjanabuch T, Ito Y, et al. Peritoneal Dialysis-Related Infection Rates and Outcomes: Results From the Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (PDOPPS). American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. 2020.
Rangaswamy D, Guddattu V, Webster AC, Borlace M, Boudville N, Clayton P, et al. Icodextrin use for peritoneal dialysis in Australia: A cohort study using Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry. Perit Dial Int. 2020;40(2):209-19.
Rao NN, Borlace M, Taylor R, Matthew Y, Johnson DW, Jaffrey L, et al. Utility of “back-up” arterio-venous fistulae in patients on peritoneal dialysis and use of haemodialysis catheters. Internal medicine journal. 2020.
Sahlawi MA, Wilson G, Stallard B, Manera KE, Tong A, Pisoni RL, et al. Peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis outcomes reported in trials and observational studies: A systematic review. Perit Dial Int. 2020;40(2):132-40.
Shen K, Vesey DA, Hasnain SZ, Zhao KN, Wang H, Johnson DW, et al. A cost-effective three-dimensional culture platform functionally mimics the adipose tissue microenvironment surrounding the kidney. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020;522(3):736-42.
Sola L, Levin NW, Johnson DW, Pecoits-Filho R, Aljubori HM, Chen Y, et al. Development of a framework for minimum and optimal safety and quality standards for hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Kidney international supplements. 2020;10(1):e55-e62.
Walsh M, Merkel PA, Peh CA, Szpirt WM, Puéchal X, Fujimoto S, et al. Plasma Exchange and Glucocorticoids in Severe ANCA-Associated Vasculitis. The New England journal of medicine. 2020;382(7):622-31.
Yang WL, Hawley C, Cho Y, Johnson DW, Pascoe EM, Fahim M. NT-proBNP Concentration and Early Cardiac Dysfunction in Patients Receiving Dialysis: A Prospective Cohort Study. Cardiorenal medicine. 2020:1-10.