PHOSPHATE trial opportunity
PHOSPHATE trial opportunity
August 6, 2024 No Comments on PHOSPHATE trial opportunity
Pragmatic randomised trial of High Or Standard PHosphAte Targets in End-stage kidney disease
Principal Investigators: Sunil Badve and Rathika Krishnasamy
Clinical Project Manager: Laura Hickey
Clinical Research Associate: Lisan Mulvey
Website (if applicable) | |
Location (if online type platform e.g. Zoom). | Zoom |
About your project / activity / event | The PHOSPHATE trial is a dialysis study which explores whether controlling the level of phosphate in people’s blood leads to better heart health and quality of life. Since 2020, over 2500 trial participants across 6 countries have been recruited to the study – this is the largest trial of its kind!
Australian sites have recruited 453 participants and these participants need to be followed-up until there’s enough data to analyse. This expected to take until 2029, however, Australian funding ends in 2025. The study team is therefore preparing an application for a grant which will enable them to complete the trial. We’re seeking consumer input on how to express the critical importance of finishing the PHOSPHATE trial, and how we can complete the trial so that it has the best chance of changing clinical practice guidelines, if that’s what it recommends. |
Type of engagement i.e Seminar, focus group, research, community event, trail etc | An online group discussion of 60 minutes duration. Consumers will have lived experience of peritoneal dialysis (PD) or haemodialysis (HD). There is no pre-session work or knowledge needed.Consumers will be asked to listen to ideas for continuing the trial during the zoom call. They’ll then be asked to share their views on those ideas with the group. |
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